SpaceOut Users Said… (in December)

December 26th, 2009

We love to hear feedback from our site visitors and particularly our members.  The good feedback reinforces that we are doing at least some things right – but we especially like to hear what we are doing wrong as it gives us an opportunity to improve.  Here is a selection of some of the feedback we have received from SpaceOut Members and site visitors this month :feedback

  • Just discovered your website – what a great idea.
  • Very bright, creative and out of the box !! Excellent !! Keep it up !!
  • good minimalist clear effective info – space, location etc – easy to use.
  • Very nice
  • I heard about this on TV and then in the Sunday Mail.  It is a great idea.  Do many people know about this web site though?  How can we find someone eg who is going overseas (so they wont be continually accessing their goods – and invading our privacy?)  That’s something that should be in FAQs.  If it is I didn’t find it.
  • i love the design also the helpful hints
  • hey guys – brilliant idea.  Money for jam for renters and I hope this site takes off and makes you guys a truck load…  I have just placed an ad and it will be interesting to see how this pans out.  all the best  John
  • Good site. Easy to browse
  • Would prefer it if links opened new tabs, and didn’t change the current window. Hate having to go back or lose the page I was on. Prefer to delete extra tabs as needed. Otherwise it’s good so far.
  • This site provided me with the information I was searching for.
  • Map was quite comprehensive.

If you have any suggestions, comments, concerns, criticisms or compliments about SpaceOut please make sure that you contact us.

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