
Posts Tagged ‘Office Space’

5 Great Reasons to Rent your Office Space

July 22nd, 2010 1 comment

One of the biggest decisions many small businesses inevitably face as they grow, is whether to buy or lease their business premises and office space.  Although buying and owning your own office space may have some advantages, in these times of economic uncertainty and with steadily increasing property prices, buying can be prohibitive for many […]

Co-working – Innovative use of shared office space for small business

March 14th, 2010 6 comments

If you are a home based small business, but miss the day to day interaction and collaboration with colleagues or co-workers, then the concept of shared office space, or co-working might be just what you need. What is Co-working Space? Co-working space, is essentially a shared office environment where professionals and freelancers (often, but not […]

Office Space Rental Costs set to Soar

January 25th, 2010 Comments off

Business Tenants in Australia are expecting a massive increase in the cost of renting their office space as shortages of quality office space (particularly in CBDs) shifts the pricing “power” back in favour of landlords. In Sydney, the asking price for prestigious office space that is currently under construction is rumoured to be up to […]

New Year Resolutions

January 2nd, 2010 Comments off

I love to ask people what their resolutions are each year and when I boil the answers down, the most common responses I get are centred around health and wealth. SpaceOut is not in the business of advising on the first of these, but when it comes to adding or saving cash to your monthly […]

Featured Space: Shared Office Space Available for Rent – Northcote, Victoria

August 28th, 2009 Comments off

Creative office/studio space in downtown Northcote Are you looking for a highly professional, well presented space that gives your creativity room to breathe?  Then welcome to 19 Eastment St, Northcote, Melbourne. Mono Design is a Melbourne-based graphic design and copywriting studio that has been running since 1996, and have operated out of their Northcote studio […]

Featured Space: Office Space Available – Darlinghurst / Kings Cross

August 12th, 2009 Comments off

Alexandra from Sydney has a hip and groovy designer office space service called Whitespace that has office spaces  available to rent (late August)  in Darlinghurst / Kings Cross. Upmarket office spaces Whitespace – offers shared conceptual office space/s – designed for today’s urban professionals, creative’s or those just looking for an up market alternative to […]

Enhanced Office and Parking Space Features

June 25th, 2009 Comments off

We have been listening to our members – and are very pleased to announce that we have extended the functionality for Office Space and Parking Space Listings. Now, if you are just interested in Parking or Office Spaces you can  search and view each of them on their own dedicated search pages. You can access […]

SpaceOut Offering Office Space and Parking Space Listings

April 25th, 2009 Comments off

In response to increasing requests for Office Space Rentals and Car Parking Spaces, SpaceOut is looking at expanding their services in these areas, and extending the functionality available to Business customers. We will be looking at the possibility of providing Office Space and Parking Space specific search pages – making it easier for people looking […]

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