about private storage

'Private Storage' is a revolutionary new concept within the storage industry which gives power to the average person to either provide or rent reasonably priced, privately owned storage space. Private storage 'space' may be an unused cupboard, a garage or shed, or part of a spare room in a house or office.

Private Storage allows average people to benefit from free, previously 'lazy' space, either in the form of significant savings for those storing their stuff (SpaceSeekers), or passive income for the owner of the space (SpaceOwners).

Private Storage could ultimately revolutionise the storage industry, resulting in financial benefits for millions of people!

Public Storage and Self Storage vs Private Storage

Traditionally the only real options available to individuals or businesses looking for somewhere to store their stuff, has been existing Public Storage and Self Storage facilities and services.

Public Storage
usually involves having your items packaged up and stored away (usually in large warehouses) – where you have little or no access, until the end of the rental period - when you get access to your stuff again. 

Self Storage
, provides a more flexible service – often with a bigger variety of storage size options, and usually with the ability for you to come and go within the facility, accessing your items as required.

Private Storage provides even more flexibility - often with a variety of different storage options and locations in your own local community.  Private Storage is also likely to compare favourably on price, and will in many cases be in people's own homes – with the added security benefits associated with a “live in” SpaceOwner to look after your stuff.      

Community Benefits

The Private Storage concept is also significantly more community oriented.  Most SpaceSeekers will initially look for storage space in their own suburb or even their own street.  Storing “stuff” in the homes and business premises in your local community, presents opportunities to meet and get to know members of your own local area - it's great networking!

Owners Say...


SpaceOut Feedback:
Love it SpaceOut
Thanks Spaceout. Easy!
From: Michael - Clayfield
Rating: 4


Renters Say...


SpaceOut Feedback:
Saving me Money
Thanks SpaceOut - I was able to find a place to store my boat right near the boat ramp... This saves me a 2 hour round trip for towing and I reckon the fuel savings more than pay for the storage.
by Jim R - Ipswich
Rating: 5


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