The answer is in fact 42 (count them), which I guess in today’s increasingly eco-aware society, could be argued is some justification for riding to work rather than driving. However, Hitch Hikers Guide the the Galaxy fans would also recognise that the number 42 is the mystical answer to “Life, the Universe and EVERYTHING” (even […]
When moving house in Japan, one of the key questions people ask is “Does the property have a car park?” Unlike Australia, most dwellings do not. Next, one has to find out if the parking spot is a full size spot, or a ‘light’ space! A large portion of the Japanese own what are called […]
You may have come across this before, and although it’s not strictly about storage, I’ve always found the idea fascinating. Also, like SpaceOut, it is a clever and innovative concept, and it is about the smart use of space. Watermelons are big and bulky and the round shape makes them awkward to store, ship, and […]